
Gotta Know

Man, I’ve been so crazy busy over the past few weeks that my blog has seen little love. The product of my invisibility will soon be shared on here, but it’s got a few more touch-ups and final tweaks before I can post it. You guys will be among the first to know once it’s done :)

One thing I have squeezed in over the past few weeks has been a few basketball games. It’s March Madness—what am I supposed to do?! Since I do have a crazy schedule though, some of these games have been relegated to watching far after they actually take place (via the magic of DVR). Now, this usually isn’t a big deal, but when it comes to college basketball games in March, it’s hard to keep from catching a score even when you’re trying not to listen. And what’s even harder is not hearing a UK score when you live in the great state of Kentucky. Next to impossible.

But in my quest to actually watch the game and sit in suspense just like I was watching it live, I go out of my way in doing lots of things: I turn my head from looking at any TV with sports on it, I don’t look at texts from my UK-loving friends (or my UK-hating friends), I announce to everyone I’m hanging with that I haven’t seen the game and not to spoil it for me, and I avoid looking at Facebook. I actually alter the course of the rest of my day to make sure I can watch the game and not have the ending ruined.

Obviously, if I knew the ending going in, then I wouldn’t get near as much enjoyment from watching it. All of the twists and turns of the game don’t pack as much as excitement because I’m not left wondering at any point how it will end. In fact, it can get boring enough that I’ll just turn it off and go do something else.

Why then do we all try so hard to know the outcome of everything in our lives before it happens? Why can’t we be ok with not knowing how things are going to turn out?

We have promises from God in the Bible that tells us we’ll be taken care of. We may even have words that have been spoken to us by the Lord through revelation, dreams, or other people. If we know enough of the ending to know that it’s good, then why do we need more!?

We all need to get more comfortable with not knowing the answers to everything. Peace amidst uncertainty is something that all believers in Christ should have. Let us pray for and attain to new levels of faith and trust in the Lord and just let God do what He does: make things so great for us beyond all of our wildest imaginations and dreams. Let it come, Lord, let it come! May it be done in Your Name!

In Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s Mighty Comforting and Holy Name, Amen.

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