
Be More Faithful

Don’t you hate it when people tell you they will do something and then don’t follow through? Or they commit to doing something, but then they back out? Or how about when they say they’ll be there at 7pm, only to show up around 8 or 9…how mad does that make you?

I know that kind of stuff kills me. When people continually break promises, back out, and show up late it makes it very, very hard for me to place any kind of confidence in them. Not only that, but it also makes me wonder if they value my time at all. I’ve heard it said before by people much wiser than me that if someone is habitually late then they consider their own time more valuable than everyone else’s; that is, whether that person realizes it or not (doing it intentionally, or unintentionally), they place a higher premium on their own time than they do yours. Ever known a person like that?

Ok, next question: how often are you that person? How often do you break your commitments? Back out? Reschedule? Show up late? Are you the one that is making a habit of placing your own time above other people’s time?? If the answer is yes, then it is time for you to change!!

As Christians, we should constantly be pursuing after the character of God. That means we should seek to emulate His ways and His characteristics so that we will be more like Him. It seems that we focus on certain characteristics like love, patience, and kindness—which are all wonderful—but neglect other parts of His character. Is God not also faithful?! Does He not remain true to His Word?! Why should we work on ourselves in all these other areas but not strive to be more like Our Father in this area?

Let me be blunt with you today. If you are a Christian, you should be faithful. When you give your word to do something, you should follow through. When you say you’ll help with something, you should show up to do it. When you say “7pm”, you should be there at, or before, 7pm. It is very simple really: your “yes” should be yes, and your “no” should be no.

As humans, we will screw up, and we will let people down. Only God is 100% faithful, 100% of the time. But we can be more like Him in this respect. I’ll leave you with 3 simple tips today that can help you be more faithful:

1. Consider before committing. Before you say “yes”, make sure that you are up to the task. Check your schedule, check your bank account, check your personal commitment level to this particular thing.

Learn to say “no”. If you foresee potential conflicts, don’t bind yourself. Although it may be hard to say “no” on the spot to someone, it will be much more beneficial to you both than if you cancel later.

Leave early. If you really want to get better at being on time, leave at least 15 minutes earlier than you normally would. It is human nature to underestimate the amount of time it takes to do something…we don’t take into account little things like the time it takes to gather our stuff before we head out the door, unforeseen traffic, parking, time it takes to walk from the parking lot to the destination, etc. If you arrive early, then great! You are showing the other person that their time is valuable to you.

May we all be more like Him every day. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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