Walk in Authority
If you’ve ever gotten a speeding ticket, you’ve got a decent idea of how the criminal justice system works. You’re going too fast, so some guy wearing a police uniform stops you. He walks up to your car and writes you a ticket. You have to pay that ticket and/or appear before a judge in court… all because this guy caught you going too fast.
When this guy isn’t on duty, he’s just another guy. But when he puts that uniform on he can enforce the laws of our nation. That means that when he stops you for speeding and gives you a ticket, you have to listen to what he tells you to do because he wears the uniform. Since he bears the authority of the city, state, nation, etc., he can make you go pay that ticket, or else you will face even more severe punishment.
However, if some guy in street clothes stopped you, didn’t show any identification, badge, or anything and just said, “Hey! You’re going too fast, pay me $100”, you wouldn’t do it. So why do you listen to the police officer?? Because he is backed by something much larger than himself. When he tells you to do something you have to do it because he has the entire power of the government backing him.
It’s the same way with you and God. The Bible says that when you ask Jesus into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior—believe on Him for your salvation and reconnection with God, ask for forgiveness of your sins, confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and repent and turn your life and your ways towards God—you immediately receive the Holy Spirit. From that instant on, the Holy Spirit of God lives in you.
Have you fully realized the implications of this?! Everywhere you show up, God shows up, too. When you walk into the room, you have the ability to change the atmosphere. It’s not just because you’re really hot or charismatic (although you may very well be :)), it’s because you carry the power of the Living God with you.
When you come in the name of Jesus Christ, you come with all authority in Heaven and earth. That means if you see injustice, sickness, poverty, or anything else that is in violation of God’s will on earth then you have the authority and the ability through the name of Jesus Christ to rectify that situation completely. Through your faith in the One you represent, you not only can move the atmosphere of a room, but you can dismantle spiritual strongholds, end oppression, defeat wicked rulers, and bring relief to the hungry. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!
You don’t even have to put on a uniform...the Holy Spirit isn’t something that you can just take off :) But you do still have a choice: you get to choose if you’re gonna walk around and be “just another guy”, or embrace the fact that you have all the resources of Heaven and the Almighty God on your side. I choose authority.
Who You Are!!!
I think that for people to accept God’s love and ask for Jesus Christ to cleanse them of their sins as they turn and repent from their old ways, they have to understand what God says about them, and to them. They have to understand who they are. So despite what you may have heard people tell you, the following things that are pulled straight from the Bible are the truth about who you are. These verses are phrased so that you can say them out loud and claim them over yourself. I challenge you to read each one of them out loud, one-by-one, and see what happens to your heart. This is what the Almighty God, Your Creator and Lover of Your Soul, says about you:
I am redeemed and forgiven by the grace of Christ.
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace (Ephesians 1:7).
I am saved by faith in Christ, not by my works.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).
I am chosen, holy, and blameless before God.
For he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world that we may be holy and unblemished in his sight in love (Ephesians 1:4).
I am a child of God.
But to all who have received him--those who believe in his name--he has given the right to become God's children … (John 1:12).
I have been chosen of God, and I am holy and beloved.
Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with a heart of mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience … (Colossians 3:12).
I have been accepted by Christ.
Receive one another, then, just as Christ also received you, to God's glory (Romans 15:7).
In Christ Jesus, I have wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.
He is the reason you have a relationship with Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption … (1 Corinthians 1:30).
My old self was crucified with Christ, and I am no longer a slave to sin.
We know that our old man was crucified with him so that the body of sin would no longer dominate us, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin (Romans 6:6).
My new self is righteous and holy.
… Put on the new man who has been created in God's image--in righteousness and holiness that comes from truth (Ephesians 4:24).
My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in me.
Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? (1 Corinthians 6:19)
I am God’s workmanship created to produce good works.
For we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them (Ephesians 2:10).
The peace of God guards my heart and mind.
And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).
God supplies all my needs.
And my God will supply your every need according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
This is who you are. God says so. There are a few links at the bottom of the page that have more to say on your identity in Christ (I copied most of the verses in this post from the first link). Check em out.
Most importantly, if you haven’t already, I urge you to ask Christ Jesus to come into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior. He is God's only Son who came into the earth to die to forgive us all of our sins. Through Christ we are reconnected and right with God. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior is as simple as believing in Him, and confessing your sins with your mouth. If you would like help with what to pray, you can follow this link, or ask me (adamkees@hotmail.com). There’s no better time than now. Tomorrow is promised to no one. I pray that you do it.
In Jesus Christ of Nazareth's Love,
Song of the Week #28
How Bad Do You Want It?
It’s January 6th. By now a lot of people who have made New Year’s resolutions are giving up. Less than a week into the year they have apparently run out of gas. Did you have one?
Bigger question: Is there something you always say you want, something you tell everybody you are all about, a dream in your heart that you say you’re working towards? If the answer to that is ‘yes’, then I have another question: Are you really pursuing it?
I watch people all the time, young and old, go from being crazy excited about something to not doing a thing in the world about it. They get discouraged when they meet any resistance; they give up when things don’t fall perfectly into place the first time they try. Basically, they want this amazing dream to just fall into their lap without putting forth any real effort…and when that doesn’t happen, they jump ship.
It irks me enough when people won’t follow through on the big plans they have and talk about to everyone, but it absolutely sets my righteous anger ablaze when people won’t act on what they’ve been given straight from God. There’s a distinction here. Yes, God puts dreams and passions in you, and you should definitely follow them (and you know I write about that a lot), but sometimes it’s bigger.
For example, I like to travel. I might make a New Year’s resolution that I will save enough money this year to go to Europe. That’s something I would just like to do. Also, I love music. So I made up my mind a long time ago that I’d like to be in a band. After talking about it for years, I finally formed one. God put that passion for music in me and I’m living out one of my dreams right now.
But here’s where it gets bigger. While I do like traveling, and I do have a passion and talent for music, there are some things that go to that next level. I KNOW I’m supposed to lead worship. I know it because what started as something that was just another way to do music became a passion I burned for. I found myself being a better expression of who I am created to be when engaging in worship. The desires of my heart started to change when I entered into the presence of God and just loved on Him and let Him love on me. And then I started hearing from God about leading worship—how to do it, how not to do it, etc. He told me to leave one place so I could be open to going somewhere else. He gives me words to speak while leading worship. I’ve had people prophesy over me about my role in leading worship. These things are next level things! These are things God has told me!
When people ignore this kind of thing in their life, it kills me. Do you think following the voice of God is always going to be easy? Do you think that it won’t require lots of effort and sacrifice? Of course it is going to be hard at times, and you will probably have to give up a lot in your obedience. But you’ve got to make up your mind that you are just going to do it—no matter what other people say, or what obstacles are put in your path.
It really boils down to how bad you want it. Is it worth giving up comfort, money, recognition, approval?? Is it worth pushing through walls and beating on doors until they finally open?? Is being obedient to your Creator and Lover of Your Soul important enough to you to lay down everything else so you can become what you’re intended to be?? I know it is.
I can promise you it’ll never be more than you can handle with Him on your side. Pray for strength and perseverance and He will faithfully give it to you. Father, I pray for strength and perseverance to follow You and live out what You’ve told me. Give me clearer direction on what to do and the boldness to do it. In Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s holy name, Amen.
Song of the Week #27
Set the Tone
I’m betting a lot of you are resting up and hanging out today, watching some college football, or some movies. I just wanna encourage you to throw in a few things of substance today as well. Let today set the tone for the rest of your year --> whatever you are passionate about and plan on doing this year, go ahead and get your feet wet. I’ll use myself as an example.
My top priorities never change: 1. God, 2. my family. Thus, I have already had some Jesus time today, and already called up my family to talk to them for a bit. After those two things, my plate gets really jumbled up, and I juggle priorities depending on what I feel the Spirit is leading me to do, what I feel is most important for the particular season, and the urgency of certain tasks. Since today is January 1st, I am going to spend a little time on all the biggest things in my life. After I finish this blog, I’ve got a whole list of things I’m gonna spend a little time on b/c I’m wanting to set the year off right in all of the areas I’m passionate about… I’ll spend some time at the church, I’ll write some music, I’ll hang with friends, I’ll do some worship, I’ll hit the gym, and I’ll do some business things. I’m gonna do it all!
I hope you take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to set the tone for an entire year. Use the start of 2011 to reflect on the goodness of what God has already done, take a look at your life from a fresh perspective, reanalyze where your heart and your passions lie, reprioritize how you spend your time, reenergize as you let the love and joy and peace and power of the Holy Spirit flow all over you, and get yourself ready for big things to happen!
May the God of Heaven bless you all as you seek after Him and live out your passions according to His purposes and for His glory. In Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s holy lovely awesome and righteous mighty name, Amen!!!