
Enjoy the Journey

I’m a pretty goal-oriented kind of guy. I’ve got dreams in my heart that I’m working towards and I don’t mind putting forth the effort to help those dreams come to fruition. But I don’t know if it’s all too healthy the way I approach things sometimes. I catch myself always looking forward to the next big thing—the next big milestone where I can hang my hat and say, “Yep, I’ve gotten this far.” But then, when I get there, it’s immediately off to the next task…with hardly any time spent in celebration or appreciation of the place I’ve “arrived”.

I’ve realized that the vast majority of my life is spent in the in-between; i.e. the huge expanse of time connecting Points Y and Z. And when my mind is constantly fixated on attaining the next big marker in life, it makes all that in-between time frustrating as crap. It’s really hard to enjoy the process when the process is what is suspending the goal!

So I’m trying to enjoy the journey more, ya know, since the whole thing is a journey anyways. I’m trying to take pleasure in each day for what it is and thank God for being able to be a part of it. I mean, He has blessed me tremendously already…how easily I forget what He’s already done.

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I encourage you to take a few minutes today and think not about what you’ve got coming up, or the things you’ve got to do before you go to bed, but consider the path you’ve already traveled and where the Lord has already blessed you. Maybe it’ll shift your perspective a little. I know mine needs some adjusting.


  1. Thanks for the encouraging words. So needed that. And so true. Always looking towards tomorrow...when we need to understand that there may not even be one.

    By the way, this is the first time I have visited your blog. And I feel like I have been missing out.

  2. Thanks, Malena. Glad I could put something positive in your life :)
