
Are You Tired?

Are you tired? If the answer is yes, then it’s from one of two things: 1. pushing real hard, or; 2. inactivity.

If you are feeling wore out (I’m talking spiritually here, of course) and it’s from inactivity, then the answer for you is simple: go do something. Get off the couch, get off of Facebook, and quit drowning yourself with distractions. Remove yourself, even if for only an hour, from your circumstances and situations. Get somewhere that you can free your mind, heart, soul, body, and spirit, and seek after the Lord; I promise you that you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). If your thing is service, then make time to do something for God and other people. A little time in His presence and/or serving Him will start to transform your life.

If you have been pursuing after the Lord in whatever manner it is He has called you to and you are just feeling fatigued, then I’m talking to you today.

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I was sitting on the couch last night after taking a run in the heat. I was all sprawled out sweating on everything, breathing hard, feeling tired. I didn’t really want to even get up to eat supper b/c just chilling on the couch sounded better at the time.

As I was sitting there, I got to thinking about how tired I felt. I can remember sitting on the couch months ago and feeling just as tired. I can remember how much running just one mile used to suck…but I had just run farther and harder than I had in a long time.

Then, the spiritual application of what I had been doing hit me: every single time I feel tired from running myself to death, I am making myself ready for an even harder run next time.

Yes, during the middle of the run I almost always think, “Ugh, how much longer?” or “It would be so much easier to just walk the rest of the way.” But the fatigue I feel is only temporary. Over the next few days, my body always feels better because I am conditioning it. I feel more invigorated, I have more energy, and I sleep better at night.

The parallels hold true in my spiritual conditioning—every single time I run after God, I get myself ready for a deeper run. Feeling tired, at times, is part of it. But the exhaustion doesn’t last if I am conditioning the right way; I recover with even more energy, drive, revelation, and conviction than before.

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This is just an encouragement to those of you who are feeling a little tired from running hard after the Lord. I implore you to keep pushing and pushing and pushing… He might be preparing you for something bigger than you can wrap your head around right now. Be assured that your journey will never be more than you can handle through Jesus Christ, and that He will definitely make provision for you along the way.

1 comment:

  1. "Every single time I run after God, I get myself ready for a deeper run"
    I LOVE IT..... Exactly what Pastor said tonight! :)
