
Walk in Authority

If you’ve ever gotten a speeding ticket, you’ve got a decent idea of how the criminal justice system works. You’re going too fast, so some guy wearing a police uniform stops you. He walks up to your car and writes you a ticket. You have to pay that ticket and/or appear before a judge in court… all because this guy caught you going too fast.

When this guy isn’t on duty, he’s just another guy. But when he puts that uniform on he can enforce the laws of our nation. That means that when he stops you for speeding and gives you a ticket, you have to listen to what he tells you to do because he wears the uniform. Since he bears the authority of the city, state, nation, etc., he can make you go pay that ticket, or else you will face even more severe punishment.

However, if some guy in street clothes stopped you, didn’t show any identification, badge, or anything and just said, “Hey! You’re going too fast, pay me $100”, you wouldn’t do it. So why do you listen to the police officer?? Because he is backed by something much larger than himself. When he tells you to do something you have to do it because he has the entire power of the government backing him.

It’s the same way with you and God. The Bible says that when you ask Jesus into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior—believe on Him for your salvation and reconnection with God, ask for forgiveness of your sins, confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and repent and turn your life and your ways towards God—you immediately receive the Holy Spirit. From that instant on, the Holy Spirit of God lives in you.

Have you fully realized the implications of this?! Everywhere you show up, God shows up, too. When you walk into the room, you have the ability to change the atmosphere. It’s not just because you’re really hot or charismatic (although you may very well be :)), it’s because you carry the power of the Living God with you.

When you come in the name of Jesus Christ, you come with all authority in Heaven and earth. That means if you see injustice, sickness, poverty, or anything else that is in violation of God’s will on earth then you have the authority and the ability through the name of Jesus Christ to rectify that situation completely. Through your faith in the One you represent, you not only can move the atmosphere of a room, but you can dismantle spiritual strongholds, end oppression, defeat wicked rulers, and bring relief to the hungry. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!

You don’t even have to put on a uniform...the Holy Spirit isn’t something that you can just take off :) But you do still have a choice: you get to choose if you’re gonna walk around and be “just another guy”, or embrace the fact that you have all the resources of Heaven and the Almighty God on your side. I choose authority.


  1. I very much like this post!

  2. Such a good blog Adam. You got a book in you.... and I want to be the first one to read it.

  3. AMEN!!! Thank you for reminding me when I show up God shows up!!!
    I put that quote in my note of quotes!!!
